PLEASE NOTE: To ensure the safety of all children, please do not send nuts or foods containing nuts to school with your child, as nut allergies are quite prevalent.
School canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday to provide nutritious lunches for students.
Order close promptly at 9am on day of order. No late orders are accepted.
Orders must be made online through CDFPay.
Or you can log into their website
The canteen is staffed on a voluntary basis by parents. A co-ordinator is paid to order and prepare for the volunteers. Please let us know if you can help - weekly, fortnightly, monthly, once per term, emergency etc.
Brain Food - It is an expectation that every student has a water bottle (filled only with water) and that it be available on their desk during the school day.
Students have a "Brain Food" snack during class each day. It must be something that is healthy and able to be eaten at their desk with minimal mess eg piece of fruit, popcorn, dried fruit etc. There is often a fruit bowl at Reception if students have forgotten their Brain Food.